Enrichment & Electives


Learning doesn’t just occur in the classroom.
At Faith Bible, we bring real-world, hands-on learning to life with our wide variety of enrichment activities. Our students learn from staff who are excited to share their enthusiasm for different disciplines. We know that enrichment classes create a well-rounded, engaging program, so at Faith Bible we strive to keep these classes fresh and exciting.

List of 5 items.


    You’ve heard the acronyms before, but what do they really mean? STEAM stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.” These disciplines cannot live without one another in the real world, so our amazing STEAM teacher brings learning to her students’ fingertips, demonstrating through project-based learning how each one ties into the other.

    K-6 1x/week
  • Music

    Music plays an integral role at Faith Bible, and isn’t just about singing and listening to songs. The benefits of a music program are much deeper. It improves:
    • Fine motor skills and Coordination.
    • Language Development. ...
    • Focus And Memory. ...
    • Fundamental Math Skills. ...
    • Discipline And Teamwork. ...
    • Self-ConfidenceAndSelf-Esteem.
    Our students not only learn the basic elements of melody, rhythm, and harmony, but they are also introduced to music terminology, history, and appreciation. Our students perform at least three times per year- at Thanksgiving chapel, the Christmas concert, the Spring Concert.

    K-6 1x/week
  • P.E.

    We are passionate about bringing health, fitness, and fun into the lives of our students, and are dedicated to a curriculum based on maintaining a healthy body for the glory of God.

    • Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God's masterpiece...”
    • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

    Students learn a wide variety of skills, beginning with basic large motor skills and then more sport-specific fine motor skills, as they grown and develop. Focus is placed on learning enjoyment of movement and activity, team work, good sportsmanship, strength, coordination, and endurance.

    K-6 2x/week
  • Library

    In an age of digital everything, it is important to nurture a love of books. In our library classes, not only do our students get to check out books, but they get taught book related topics such as genres, authors and illistrators. 

    K-6 1x/week
  • Art

    Art is so much more than just painting and drawing. It helps kids hone their fine motor skills, and encourages self expression, problem solving, and good self esteem. Our art program gives opportunity for collaboration and exposes our students to the basics elements of art in color theory, composition, and various mediums. With each year, the processes and projects grow with their level of skill and development.

    K-6 1x/week