
Get Involved

Faith Bible Christian School is a family. The strong relationships between our staff and families are foundational to our success. We not only encourage parents to get involved, we rely on their participation to help our students and teachers thrive. The two primary ways for families to connect are through the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) and volunteering through our SERVE program.

List of 3 items.

  • PTF

    Faith Bible Parent Teacher Fellowship is the parent run organization that serves our school. Faith Bible PTF provides teacher support and organizes a variety of events throughout the year.

    Mission Statement:
    To be a conduit and facilitator of multi-directional relationships between families, faculty, staff, and students.

    Vision Statement:
    • To build relationships within the Faith Bible community
    • To support our teachers and staff
    • To provide engaging and meaningful events for our students and families
    • To show the love of Christ to those who serve our school

    How you can help
    • Volunteer at the Kick off BBQ in September
    • Falcon Fair- be on the committee or serve at the event
    • Be a room parent for PK-8th grade
    • Adopt a Teacher Program
    • Treats for teachers/staff once a month
    • Staff Appreciation week
    • Christmas Store for PK-6 students

    When it meets
    PTF volunteers are organized in the fall and then meet as needed to prepare for each event. 

    Contact Info
    For more information or to volunteer, please contact
  • Volunteering/Serve Program

    Faith Bible relies on families to get involved and help meet the needs of the school that arise throughout the year. To maintain a fair distribution of the volunteer work, as well as provide a reminder to all families and students of the importance of volunteerism, all enrolled families are required to serve a minimum number of hours per year.

    SERVE Mission
    To encourage and enhance the engagement of parents, guardians and other family members as they seek to partner with the school board, faculty and staff in a voluntary alliance to build academic excellence, develop Christ-like character, and equip our students to serve others.

    The minimum number of SERVE hours that are required of each family (not per student) based on the oldest enrolled child’s grade, are as follows:
    • PK 3s – 5 hours
    • PK4s – 10 hours
    • Kindergarten – 12th grade – 30 hours

    SERVE Opportunities
    • SERVE hours can be earned in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to the following:
    • Volunteer for any PTF activity
    • Assist with the Gala, Falcon Frenzy or other development events
    • Assist with any school-wide events such as Great Race, Falcon Fair, or the Parent Connection & Pie Night
    • Chaperone a class field trip or retreat
    • Volunteer as a mentor for the Career Start Mentoring Program
    • Coach or assist with an athletic team
    • Provide art or STEAM lessons
    • Assist with school maintenance or remodeling work
  • Moms in Prayer

    Moms in Prayer meets twice weekly to pray over our individual campuses. Women are welcome to join us whenever they are able, although we love seeing people each week. Moms are welcome to invite other family members or friends to join in praying for our students, faculty, staff, and school in general.

    For more information, please email Liz Yauney, FBCS Volunteer Director, at